Transport & Logistics service provider in India

  • Transport & Logistics service provider in India

    Transport & Logistics service provider in India

    APT Logistics, experience and skills is combined with hi-tech technology to provide you with many value added services.

    Sea freight-

    APT provides ocean freight services to all major ports worldwide. We offer a complete range of ocean freight services for all types of consolidated cargo shipments or FCLs. We provide customized ocean carriage to meet all our customers’ needs.

    From any origin or destination, APT can provide freight forwarding to book your cargo, arrange for pickup & delivery and handle the shipping documentation. With trained Transportation Specialist, we facilitate the entire freight forwarding process according to your specifications as well as the requirements of the import and export countries. We can lower your costs and free you from the confines of your supply chain.

    Air freight Services:

    APT provides air service where all freight is handled professionally, securely and on time. You have the backing of a dedicated network of integrated air and ground services for pickup and delivery, and flights with consistent transit times for all major international destinations.

    Below are the services provided by us:

    • Sea freight – LCL, FCL, Project Cargo handling, ODC Cargo
    • Air freight
    • Hazardous Cargo (DG Cargo)
    • HHG & Personal Effects Relocation Service
    • Customs Clearance for Export / Import Shipments
    • Inland Transportation anywhere in India
    • Warehousing & Distribution
    • Cargo Survey, Packing, forklift and crane hiring
    • Door to Door Service / DDU / DDP / EX-Works

    For any shipment query, kindly contact us:

    TEL.:- 0091-22-28762333

    E-mail:  /

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