Handling Project cargo shipments in India

  • Handling Project cargo shipments in India

    Handling Project cargo shipments in India

    Good day dear Partners!

    APT Logistics hopes you are doing well.

    If you have any enquiry for out of gauge cargo, project cargo or breakbulk cargo, pls contact us timely & we will assist you for the shipments anywhere in India.

    APT Logistics would like to be your Indian partner for handling these type of cargo.

    We have handled shipments which includes:

    • Engineering materials
    • Fabricated structures
    • Wind mill blade
    • Machineries
    • Transformers
    • Pipelines
    • Vehicles
    • Generators

    We have experienced and dedicated staff for handling such types of heavy cargo & deliver the same to consignee safely & on time.

    APT Logistics offers best pricing for container cargo and air cargo from India to anywhere in the world.

    Any enquiry from/to India, pls free to contact us



    TEL:- 0091-22-28763538 / 28712888

    Email:- diana@aptlogistics.com / info@aptlogistics.com

    SKYPE:- aptlogistic

    URL:- www.aptlogistics.com


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