Precautions for Monsoon

  • Precautions for Monsoon

    The monsoon will be setting in shortly and we would require you to take preventive measures while carting your cargo at our shed. We have listed down a few precaution points for your necessary action which will help us to avoid last moment stuffing impediment:

    1. Carting: The cargo needs to be carted within the shed premises. This will help to prevent your cargoes being exposed to rain water.
    1. Packing: The cargo needs to be adequately packed, palletized and shrink wrapped this will help to prevent your cargoes from getting damp and wet.
    1. Packing Material: Good packaging material needs to be used to withstand the sea journey. Please ensure that an external and inner packaging of the cartons should be proper & strong in order to avoid damage due to rainwater seepage.
    1. Pallet Fumigation: All wooden cases and pallets need to be fumigated this will prevent molds, moisture and dampness to the cases.
    1. Timely Carting & Customs Clearance: Traffic snarls and port congestion are common features during the monsoon season. Please ensure the cargo is transported, carted and custom cleared well in advance of the port cut off.

    These are all precautionary and preventive measures to safeguard your interest. In case you require any further assistance please feel free to contact us any time:



    B-222, 2ND FLOOR,



    MUMBAI – 400 062, INDIA.

    TEL: 0091 22 2871 2888 / 2876 2333 / 2876 3538 / 2876 2333

    FAX : 0091 22 2871 2333

    CELL :- 0091-09820517857

    SKYPE :- aptlogistic


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