Freight forwarders Nagpur

  • Freight forwarders Nagpur

    Freight forwarders Nagpur

    APT Logistics is one of the leading, fastest growing freight forwarding company in India having a branch office at ICD Nagpur.

    APT Nagpur branch is managed by an experienced & qualified staff rendering professional logistics services to our esteemed customers across major & minor ports , ICD’s & cities in India & worldwide.

    APT Logistics Nagpur includes services like:

    Sea Freight

    Air Freight

    Cargo Consolidation (Air & Ocean)

    Project Cargo Movement

    Hazardous Goods

    Custom Clearance for Imports & Exports

    Household Goods & Personal Effect Cargo

    Inland Transportation anywhere in India


    We offer competitive freight rates & complete customer satisfaction, effective logistics ensuring speedy and timely delivery of shipments.

    We provide fast & reliable services at economical cost & personal attention to every client’s individual needs.

    For any shipment query, please contact us now and we will offer our competitive rate and good service.




    TEL:- 0091-22-28763538 / 28712888

    Email:- /

    SKYPE:- aptlogistic


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