Freight forwarders in Mumbai, India

  • Freight forwarders in Mumbai, India


    Services we provide:

    Sea and air shipments from India to all international Airports / Seaports in the world.

    Customs Clearance for exports/ imports.

    Inland transportation from shipper / to consignee warehouse to/from airport / sea port.

    The person in charge of the Exports / Imports provides all information required for each shipment about regulations, restrictions and updates of the Local Indian Customs.



    The Export Operative Assistant makes contact with the shipper once is confirmed they sent instructions by e-mail or booking of the agreements made. Make the reservation of space with the carrier and selected vessel.  Inform the shipper of the data required for the shipment (order of removal of the container). When inland transportation is required, will coordinate it and send the data to the shipper for security measures. Require to the shipper the pro forma of the HBL. The draft of HBL will be sent to the shipper for approval. Send to Carrier the pro forma for the MBL. Immediately the Proforma of the MBL are approved, they will be sent to the Agent for review and final approval. The approval of the docs must be prior the departure of the vessel, thus avoiding any delay at origin and destination.  As soon as the documents have the approval on both sides, we will send the format of the Pre-Alert with the final docs. Informing the departure date of the vessel. Pre-alert indicates all necessary details (Place of issue- ETS- ETA-goods, etc.). The shipper will be notified of the sailing of the ship by a notice of departure.  Once the ship arrives at destination port will request the upload status and will inform the shipper.

    Similarly for imports our overseas agent does the required job and send us the Pre alert.



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