Reliable Mumbai Freight Forwarder

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    Reliable Mumbai Freight Forwarder

    APT Logistics is a full-fledged Freight Forwarding company well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities managed by a dedicated, focused & experienced work force to ensure that our operations are complete with effectively and efficiently.


    APT Logistics India is offering tailor-made supply chain solutions to multiple industries.


    APT is a one-stop-shop for all client’s logistics and supply chain management needs and recognized for offering flexible and personalized solutions for all cargo and shipments.


    APT always seek to maintain high standard of service which has made us one of the leaders in the market with our hallmark of reliability, efficiency and customer service. This is a result of our friendly and professional team as well as the modern and functional facilities of our company. The knowledge of the complex world of customs, transport and international logistics, has allowed us to maintain our services for many years. We reach our commitments with our customers professionally and optimally solve all of your logistical needs.


    APT is much more than getting a piece of freight from one point to another. Our job is to make sure that from raw material to finished goods sitting on the retail shelf, we provide the critical services and information necessary to give our clients a competitive advantage in the management of their supply chains. We are specialized in Sea and Air Exports / Imports shipments to/from India , and we have developed our niche markets in India.

    For any further query:

    Please feel free to contact us

    Balaiyer: 9820517857

    Vinay: 7977610560 ( air enqueries )

    Sachin: 7700914388 ( sea enquiries )

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